The first step to getting help would usually be to contact your GP or your university health centre or counselling department (click here for a contact list of student support services).
Vetlife Health Support is available to provide completely confidential professional help with eating disorders and other mental health issues and can also help to arrange in-patient treatment or direct you to other specialist help.
Vetlife Helpline is available 24-hours a day if you would like to talk to someone who has personal experience of the veterinary profession about anything at all that is troubling you. The service is completely confidential, so there is no need to worry that if you disclose an eating disorder to the Helpline it might affect your career. You can also send an anonymous email to the Helpline – your email address will be hidden.
b-eat the UK’s leading eating disorder charity, offers information and help on all aspects of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and related eating disorders. They provide a Help Finder Directory and also run a network of self-help groups, which you could use if you are not yet in treatment and want some extra help and support to take the first step (or if you are getting treatment but need extra support). The groups can provide you with an opportunity to meet other people who may be in a similar situation to yourself, and to share experiences or just to listen to others. They also offer support groups for carers, who may be looking after an individual with eating distress. They have a Helpline – 0845 634 1414 Email: [email protected]
Associated Addictions – Many people with eating disorders may find that they deal with the difficult emotional issues in their life by turning to alcohol or drugs to help boost their confidence or self-esteem. At least partial rehabilitation may be necessary before treatment for the eating disorder can start. Again, contacting Vetlife Health Support could help you to start the recovery process.
Overeaters Anonymous – A 12-step fellowship for anyone wishing to recover from compulsive eating, including overeating, underating, obesity, anorexia and bulimia. This is a peer-based support system based on the same principles as Alcoholics Anonymous.