Financial Support
There are times in many of our lives when we run into financial difficulties. Usually because of a major change of some kind, such as a health problem or the breakdown of a relationship. Vetlife will look at all of your circumstances in order to understand your financial issues better and will help you to plan a way forward.
Financial Support is available for veterinary surgeons, registered veterinary nurses, and their dependants in the UK. If you are a student, Vetlife is not able to offer financial assistance before you have qualified and are on the RCVS register, but we can signpost you to other possible sources of financial assistance and provide support while you find a solution to your difficulties
What sort of help is given?
• Emergency assistance
• Regular monthly grants to assist with daily living costs
• One-off gifts
• Professional advice on State benefits and debt
• Access to CPD for those who qualify
• Bungalow accommodation in Dorset
How is the level of support decided?
The Grants Awards Panel will consider your application in confidence, together with your recent bank statements for the preceding three months. The Panel may ask that a Area Representative of the Charity contacts you to discuss your circumstances in more detail or request further information before reaching a decision.
For those in urgent need of help, an initial payment may be made immediately.
Ongoing support after the initial decision is reviewed annually, or when there is a change in circumstances.
If you feel you need help, it is always worth applying. Even if you don’t qualify for financial assistance, Vetlife may be able to signpost you to alternative sources of help or fund professional benefits and debt advice for you.
There is no requirement to have made any donations to the Charity in the past or to be a member of any veterinary organisation.