Become an Ambassador

There are many valuable and essential ways you can help us as a Vetlife Ambassador.

Being a Vetlife volunteer is an important and rewarding experience; you know that you’re making a real change in someone’s life. If you are not already a volunteer, would you like to attend veterinary events and help us spread awareness of the outstanding support our charity provides?

As an Ambassador, you will be helping to ensure that more people are aware of the support we offer, and letting those who may be struggling know that we are here to help.

Raising awareness, encouraging others to get involved with fundraising activities and reaching new people are all essential ways that Ambassadors can help our Charity. All talks and events are arranged via the Vetlife office; if you are aware of an organisation which would like to arrange a talk, or provide stand space free of charge, please get in touch. We provide Ambassadors with the tools and resources they need to attend events, deliver talks and presentations effectively and professionally and are here to support you along the way. So, if you are interested in becoming a Vetlife Ambassador, apply below or get in touch with us at [email protected].

    • Thank you for your interest in becoming a Vetlife Ambassador. Please complete this online application form and we will arrange a phone interview with you.

      If you have any questions, or would prefer a paper application, please email us ([email protected]) or call 020 7908 6385.
    • Contact Details

    • :
    • Your details are safe with us. Check out our Privacy Policy for more details.
    • References

    • Please give us the details of your employer.

    • Please give us the details of your character referee.
    • Reasons for becoming a Vetlife Ambassador

    • This is your chance to tell us about your enthusiasm and passion for becoming a Vetlife Ambassador.
    • How did you hear about the Ambassador Programme?